Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Journey to Sabah (Tawau-Semporna-Sandakan) (unforgettable scenes)

Locals name it as White Fish and normally
cook in three flavor cuisine

Scene2 At the seafood floating restaurant at Kampung Tampi-tampi, I requested warm water and they given me half warm water in mug and 1 bottle drinking water. I told my fwen why my warm water is half and none of us ordered the drinking water. Then my fwen said it is normal here, if customer ordered warm water they will give dat ‘package’ and she forgot to tell me earlier.

Journey to Sabah (Tawau-Semporna-Sandakan) (Day 4th)

We woke up before dawn cuz dun want miss the bus and the journey took almost 5 hours from Semporna to Sandakan. We had breakfast at restaurant nearby the bus station while waiting the bus.

The blue masjid is one of the well-known masjid here and just nearby Semporna bus station.

The floating homes is juz behind the blue masjid and I was informed those living over there mostly from Bajau Laut ethnic.
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