The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) will channel RM1.5bil to the Federal
Territories Foundation as part of a special funding scheme to help
eligible buyers purchase public housing units in the city. Read More [Source :].
previous related post
hepymoments luv to share journey experiences, culinary+recipes, tips+knowledges. A seasonal entrepreneur and the blog is created for those interested (NO BACKOUT BUYER) to buy apparels, accessories, gifts (previously known as LSC).
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Puding Roti (Bread Pudding)
13 keping roti
10-13 sudu makan gula
7 biji telur (saiz besar)
1 tin susu cair
Air (sukatan air = 1 tin susu
Sedikit mentega
Sedikit kismis hitam
Gula hangus:
3-5 sudu makan gula
Gunakan api kecil. Letakkan sangat sedikit air untuk gula
mudah larut. Kacau sehingga gula berwarna hangus perang. Tuangkan ke
dalam loyang dan taburkan sedikit kismis hitam. Biarkan ia beku seketika.
Sapu mentega pada roti di
bahagian atas dan bawah roti (kedua-dua bahagian muka roti) dan asingkan. Pukul
telur dengan gula hingga larut. Masukkan susu dan kacau hingga sebati. Masukkan
roti yang telah disapu mentega tadi (roti disiat bagi memudahkan resapan susu).
Kukus selama 45 minit.
Serves :
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Kalam Allah
“Iaitu orang-orang yang MENDERMAKAN HARTANYA pada masa
senang dan susah, dan orang-orang yang MENAHAN KEMARAHANNYA, dan orang-orang
yang MEMAAFKAN kesalahan orang. Dan (ingatlah), Allah mengasihi orang-orang
yang berbuat perkara-perkara yang baik.” (Al-Imran:134)
Housing Fund for KL public house
A housing fund scheme will be
available from 1st March 2012 to help the low and medium income families to own
a house. Through the scheme, problems in obtaining loans can be overcome. The scheme would be managed by
Syarikat Perumahan Wilayah Persekutuan, set up under Yayasan Wilayah
Persekutuan, with funds from the Employees' Provident Fund.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
World Kidney Day Run 2012
-More info, running maps, entry form, kindly download pdf attached
-Beginner running tips
-My running experiences
-Beginner running tips
-My running experiences
Lengkong Tembikai (WaterMelon Jelly)
1 ½ bungkus (50 g) agar-agar
4 cawan air
1 ½ cawan gula
1 biji kelapa yang diparut
3-4 helai daun pandan
7 butir putih telur besar @ 8 butir putih telur sedang
Sedikit pewarna merah
60 g cincau atau lengkong hitam, dipotong dadu/segitiga
Sedikit pewarna hijau
Basuh agar-agar dan masak dengan air dan gula sehingga
Setelah agar-agar dan gula larut, masukkan daun pandan. Kemudian
campurkan santan pati (tanpa air) dan biarkan mendidih. Angkat. Tapis agar-agar
yang larut ke dalam jug penyukat. Dapatkan 4 cawan cecair agar-agar.
Pukul putih telur sehingga kembang. Kemudian tuangkan
campuran agar-agar ke dalam putih telur sambil dikacau sehingga sebati. Tuangkan
kedalam mangkuk sebesar 3 liter 21 cm atau ke dalam dua mangkuk sup 18 cm
Bila bahagian atas lengkong
telah beku, gunakan pisau kecil, potong 2 ½ cm dari tepi membulat. Masukkan sedikit
pewarna merah di tengahnya dan kacau dengan lembut untuk mendapatkan warna
merah muda yang sekata. Masukkan lengkong hitam dadu/segitiga dan kacau supaya
jadi bijinya.
Biarkan lengkong beku dalam
peti sejuk. Terbalikkan di atas pinggan dan sapu pewarna hijau untuk jadi kulit
tembikai. Sejukkan.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Celcom Broadband RM25 SKMM
Limited and most economical pack which was introduced under 1Malaysia Computer Project.
RM25 per month.
-SKMM Simpack using Celcom coverage network
-Unlimited brodband package (but some telling only 800mb)
-Free for first one month
-Unlimited brodband package (but some telling only 800mb)
-Free for first one month
-Prepaid and no contract
Thursday, January 26, 2012
CHEAP used item @ PRELOVE
For those who interested to buy CHEAP used & new item, may visit this link
The dress also suits to mix&match with inner, jeans and some accessories. According to them, if we buy more than RM 30 and above, will get free postage fees! Btw, Special cooker and New coffee maker also available! Come on, lets grab it b4 some1 else got!
The dress also suits to mix&match with inner, jeans and some accessories. According to them, if we buy more than RM 30 and above, will get free postage fees! Btw, Special cooker and New coffee maker also available! Come on, lets grab it b4 some1 else got!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Install Arabic in PC
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Set up Arabic in Windows Vista
Select Start (or windows logo) | Control Panel |
Clock, Language and Region Options. Choose Keyboards and Languages tab
at the top, then click button Change Keyboards, next click "Add"
button, then scroll to where Arabic is, let say "Arabic (Egypt)"
for example, make sure you click on the + icon before the word "Arabic
(Egypt)”, once you do, you will see "keyboard" click on
the + icon placed before it. Check the box for “Arabic (101)”.
Click "Ok", then "Apply" and finally “Ok”,
and it is done.
Set up Arabic in Windows XP
Select Start | Settings | Control Panel | Regional and
Language Options. Click the Languages tab at the top; check the box
which allows you to "Install files for complex script and right-to-left
languages (including Thai)”, Apply, then click on Details
under Text services and input languages. When the window appears, click Add
next to Installed services and select Arabic (Egypt) and Arabic (101)
as your Keyboard layout/IME. Click OK, Apply, Ok and it is done.
Press and hold "Shift" button on your keyboard
and press "Alt", and it will switch to "Ar", then you can
do the same thing again (Shift + Alt) to switch back to English.
Hukum Memakan Daging/Isi Belangkas dan Telurnya (Horseshoe Crab)
This creature survives in the water and typically always
both together. Horseshoe crabs have a remarkable immune system and possess
ability such as able to regrow their lost limbs. The blood of these creatures do
not have hemoglobin, however the blood contains the copper that comprising
protein hemocyanin. Hemocyanin is colourless when deoxygenated and dark blue
when oxygenated. The blood may sucked out without killing the creatures. The
blood of this creature has a benefit to medical research and testing such as to
detect virus, bacteria and toxin.
Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa
Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-93 yang bersidang
pada 21 Februari 2011 telah membincangkan Hukum Memakan Daging/Isi Belangkas
dan Telurnya. Muzakarah telah memutuskan seperti berikut:
1. Setelah meneliti keterangan,
hujah-hujah dan pandangan yang dikemukakan, Muzakarah berpandangan bahawa tiada
nas qati’e yang mengharamkan manusia memakan belangkas. Pakar Haiwan Hidupan
Air menyatakan bahawa belangkas adalah haiwan yang hidup di laut dalam dan
hanya naik ke pantai untuk bertelur. Ia adalah sejenis haiwan satu alam yang
hidup di laut masin dan sedikit di paya air tawar dan ia tidak boleh kekal
hidup di darat kerana bernafas menggunakan insang.
2. Sehubungan itu, selaras
dengan pandangan Jumhur Ulama’ yang menyatakan bahawa haiwan yang tinggal di
dalam laut semata-mata dan tidak boleh hidup tanpa air adalah halal dimakan,
maka Muzakarah bersetuju memutuskan bahawa hukum memakan daging/isi dan telur
belangkas adalah diharuskan.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
New Updates : Primula, Bayu Restaurant, Kedai Sup Herba Aiman
My beluv Viewers,
New updates in Journey and Meal page !!
Bayu Restaurant
Kedai Sup Herba Aiman
New updates in Journey and Meal page !!
Bayu Restaurant
Kedai Sup Herba Aiman
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
ZYGY (one place for all)
It is simpler and more organized if the system able to
manage all applications (work application+social networking) in one display at
one time, rite? I mean no need to open so many tab or application. Well, to all
viewers, I suggest the newbies ZYGY.
ZYGY is one application where we can do the work while socializing and everything is personal. It is developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate Azhar Mustapha who also plans to fly ZYGY to Thailand and Indonesia through telcos. Currently, ZYGY in discussion with local universities to make it part of communications tools in campus. So, organize your life on the Internet by register now !! More info, kindly log on to
ZYGY is one application where we can do the work while socializing and everything is personal. It is developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate Azhar Mustapha who also plans to fly ZYGY to Thailand and Indonesia through telcos. Currently, ZYGY in discussion with local universities to make it part of communications tools in campus. So, organize your life on the Internet by register now !! More info, kindly log on to
Monday, January 2, 2012
Recipe : Lengkong Lapis Ceria
Bahan A
2 sudu
besar serbuk agar-agar, 1 liter air, 200 g gula, pewarna (hijau, merah, kuning
& sebagainya ikut citarasa anda)
Bahan B
2 sudu
makan serbuk agar-agar, 400 ml santan, 600 ml air, 200 g gula, ½ sudu teh garam
bahan A hingga cair (kecuali pewarna). Kemudian tapiskan dan biarkan dalam
mangkuk atau biarkan diatas api yang kecil
Bahan B sehingga cair, kemudian masukkan santan serta garam. Tunggu sehingga
mendidih dan kemudian tapis (Buat seperti Bahan A)
melapis : sukat 200 ml agar-agar (A), letakkan pewarna, masukkan dalam loyang
dan biarkan sehingga agak beku.
lapisan pertama agak beku, lorekkan permukaan agar-agar dgn garpu. Kemudian
ulang tuang lagi 200 ml agar-agar seperti tadi (Tujuan lorekkan supaya lapisan
pertama dan lapisan di atasnya melekat, dan begitu juga dengan lapisan
-Ulangi langkah seterusnya sehingga agar-agar habis. Letak
pewarna pada setiap lapisan agar-agar yang hendak dituang.
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